


3月16日,一场大火吞噬了罗利市中心的一个建筑工地,并蔓延到隔壁的365足彩下载总部. 焦灼的大卫·E. 左边是雷诺兹大厦. 图片来源:Ben Brown

It's been one week since a massive downtown Raleigh fire displaced the League from its headquarters -- a challenging turn for sure, but one the organization is navigating. 你可以在 这是3月21日的新闻 & 观察者, which also reports on the impacts to our friends at the N.C. Association of County Commissioners, with whom the League shared a roof. 这篇文章包括365足彩下载执行董事保罗·迈耶对急救人员无可置疑的英雄主义表示感谢. "It could have been so much worse," he said.

这一反应包括部分地区市政当局真正令人惊叹的团队合作,他们采取行动保护罗利的偏远地区,而该市的消防员则专注于市中心的大火——这是该市历史上最大的大火之一. 西布伦城, 为一个, dispatched a ladder truck to Raleigh; Wendell sent a pumper 和 kept watch over both Wendell 和 Zebulon.

While the fire's aftermath has certainly summoned the League to the contest, 市政厅日就在眼前 (并按计划进行), 我们每天都在爆破,并将继续成为北卡罗莱纳州各个城市一个多世纪以来所依赖的资源.

的 following is a more detailed update from 保罗·迈耶:

In the aftermath of last week's fire, 在我们过渡到新的工作场所时,我们的365足彩下载工作人员非常感谢您的鼓励和友好的话语. 正如我上周所说,火灾不会改变我们组织的使命和我们对它的奉献. Town Hall Day is going on as planned, 虽然请注意我们的通信涉及一些轻微的调整在物流和活动将发生的地方. Our insurance operations, publications, advocacy efforts 和 other services continue.

Some of our staff has transitioned to temporary work space provided by the City of Raleigh, while other staff continues to work remotely from home. We cannot thank the City of Raleigh enough for its help during this time. We hope to have a more long-term temporary work solution in place coming days.

Currently, individual phone lines are not operational. 在我们努力纠正这种情况的同时,您可以通过电子邮件与工作人员联系,这是完全有效的. 也, 我们预计主要的电话线路- - 919-715-4000和1-800-228-0986 - -将很快投入使用,并直接拨给监测这些线路的工作人员. Thank you for your patience in regards to contacting staff during this time.

We will keep you up to date as we move on from last week's events. In the meantime, we look forward to seeing many of you at Town Hall Day next week.



本周,参众两院都提出了一项立法,为那些选择在自己的政府网站上发布公告的城市和县制定标准, instead of publication in the newspaper. SB 343 / HB 432 Increase Teacher Supplement/Electronic Notice would also authorize, 第一次, 其他私营部门交易所需的法律通知能够以电子方式公布, 在县政府网站上, 所得收益将惠及县政府,部分用于支付当地教师补助费. 城镇长期以来一直支持立法,允许市政当局在自己的网站上以电子方式发布所需的公告, a move that will save taxpayers money 和 still keep the public informed. We are grateful to the 森ate 和 House sponsors -- 森. 特鲁迪韦德, 韦斯利梅雷迪思丹主教; 和 代表s. 查克•麦迪, 比尔布劳利约翰·布鲁斯特 -- for putting forward this proposal 和 acting on an issue that has lingered too long. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

众议院一位高级领导人本周提交了三项法案,讨论用于扩建关键基础设施的开发费问题. 有时被称为影响费, 容量的费用, 或者设施费, 不管他们的名字是什么, 他们由开发商支付,以确保房产税纳税人不会为扩大社区基础设施支付全额费用, 比如供水系统和学校. 的 three bills filed by House Speaker Pro Tem 莎拉·史蒂文斯 each tackle a different facet of the state's current development fee laws:

  • HB 405 Impact Fees/Refund to Homeowners这张账单, addressing a consequence of the recent Carthage court decision, 将支付给市或县的影响费的任何退款指示给支付该影响费任何部分的房主, as part of the purchase price of their home.
  • HB 406 代表eal Orange County Impact Fees当前位置这项地方法案废除了奥兰治县近30年前获得的对学校建设项目收取开发费的权力.
  • HB 436 Local Government/Regulatory Fees: This proposal eliminates a city or county's ability to charge all types of development fees, unless otherwise authorized by the general laws of the state. 另外, the bill repeals many related local acts.

365足彩下载理解,如果这些建议的某些方面成为法律,许多城市将面临重大的财政影响, 并将与共和党众议员合作. Stevens 和 others to address those impacts. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

周三,众议院监管改革提案中重新出现了去年没有成为法律的一项备受讨论的条款. 如果它成为法律,第二条.15 of SB 131 Regulatory Reform Act of 2016 would tie the h和s of local code enforcement officials, 谁会有更有限的手段来解决诸如侵占建筑物之类的侵权纠纷. 最终, 这一规定将导致更多的诉讼,因为邻居们会因为地方政府无法执行的违规行为而诉诸法院解决纠纷. 另外, 它将提出违反法律的土地所有者不会因违法行为而受到惩罚的案例.

众议院的规定为任何地方或州土地使用法规的执行设立了六年的诉讼时效, 从公共通行权的“明显”违章开始,或者从邀请公众前往的地方可以清楚地看到违章. 在那六年里, 该提案将地方政府得知违规行为后的执行时间缩短至三年. 这个提议 contains only one exclusion to this limitation, in the cases of enforcement of dangers to public health or safety. 365足彩下载谢谢 代表. 山姆·沃特福德 for attempting to offer an amendment to limit the scope of the provision, 并将继续与立法者合作,在其通过立法程序的过程中改进语言. 的 bill next heads for a hearing in the 众议院财政委员会. 联系人: 艾琳Wynia

众议院司法委员会成员本周投票赞成一项法案,该法案的条款本着365足彩下载倡导的精神,旨在减轻执法人员的压力. 一段 HB 181 First Responders Act of 2017 是否会允许公司警察或医院现场保安拘留被认为有精神疾病和潜在危害的人, until official transportation 和 placement is arranged. That's a change from the current practice, in which law enforcement officers are the ones taking custody, 和 are called to hospitals for that purpose. 的 League's board in October 2016 采纳了一个目标 支持加强该州精神健康和智力/发育障碍治疗资源的立法, 包括提供资源和解决方案,以减轻宣誓执法人员在提供危机个人监护时的压力. 的 League appreciates the attention given to this issue by bill sponsors 代表s. 哈利沃伦, 迈克Clampitt, 卡尔福特拉里•波茨. 的 众议院运输委员会 接下来会听到法案吗. 联系人: 莎拉·柯林斯
Municipal officials are discovering how helpful 我们的在线账单追踪系统 can be to locate 和 keep up with important legislation moving through the General Assembly. We're steadily adding noteworthy bills to the system with digestible summaries, 重要程度, 委员会的任务, date of last action 和 sponsor information -- like SB 358 / HB 473 电影 & Entertainment Grant Fund Appropriation. 这个提议, 本周提交给参众两院, would appropriate $55 million to the state's film 和 entertainment grant program 和 achieve an 365体育足彩目标 set by North Carolina cities 和 towns. Stay on top of it 和 other proposals of interest to your town with our bill tracker, found 在这里 or under the 立法 365体育足彩 menu at tsywd.com.

Applications are due March 31 for the N.C. Housing Finance Agency's disaster recovery loan pool (which we reported on earlier this month). 这笔援助将用于修复2016年受灾县的自有住房. 1500万美元将通过“基本单户恢复贷款池”(Essential Single-Family Rehabilitation Loan Pool)提供,用于灾难恢复, 和 local governments may be eligible applicants. 表格和指南是可用的 在这里. "Successful applicants will be awarded a set-aside of $150,000 for the rehabilitation of eligible units, with the option of receiving additional funds through the loan pool on a first-come, 标间,该机构表示. 其他方面,联合国.C. 商务部已经通知我们,社区发展整体拨款灾难恢复行动计划将于下周公布,征求公众意见. Interested parties will find details at www.nccommerce.com.